Opening Project Management Challenge 2024 (Smart Tourism: Exploring Solutions for Sustainable Development Goals)

Opening Project Management Challenge 2024 (Smart Tourism: Exploring Solutions for Sustainable Development Goals)

PMI Indonesia Chapter is a non-profit organization that promotes knowledge and expertise among project practitioners working across industries. Since 1996 the PMI Indonesia’s volunteers have been working very hard to promote project management in Indonesia. With great anticipation, I'm delighted to offer this invitation to potential sponsors of the Project Management Challenge (PMC) 2024. The PMI Indonesia Chapter has led the way in promoting professional growth and knowledge sharing in project management for almost thirty years. With more than a thousand members from all backgrounds, including committed practitioners and students, we drive the advancement of project management knowledge across the country. Project Management Challenge (PMC) 2024 is an annual prestigious project management competition organized by Project Management Institute Indonesia Chapter that takes college students around the world into a global perspective of project management since 2012. PMC 2024 aims to foster future leaders and equip them with the necessary knowledge and soft skills in project management.

Kategori Event
Kategori Ekraf
Jenis Event
PIC Penyelenggara
Pak Andri
Kontak PIC Penyelenggara
Ruangan dan Tanggal
  • Outdoor Lounge, Lantai 5
    1. Senin, 30 September 2024 08:00 - 17:00
  • Amphitheater 2, Lantai 5
    1. Senin, 30 September 2024 08:00 - 17:00
Kuota Peserta
80 Orang